Initially, a cultural music from Mongolia was supposed to be included but dropped as it was about 8 minutes long. Music is Universal and the language of the Soul. We have taken the alternative song instead which is also beautiful with the Wild Horses in the Wild. Coincidentally, it is more or less connected to Mongolia where there are also many horses and beautiful landscape. For the Mongolian Gobi song, the link is We are not associated with the band group, but we like their music.
When Man and Nature co-exist, there is equilibrium. Recognizing the sanctity of our Mother Earth, we felt it is apt to include the clip in our website. Man has impacted the environment by his survival activities and profits and Mother Earth’s resources are limited. Without a doubt, it reminds us to observe the evironmental laws here and elsewhere for the greater good.
We hope you will like it . Thank you for visiting Our Website. Take care of Our Mother Earth.