The Firm

Since its establishment in December 2018 , the firm’s strategy is to  stay relevant to the clients’ needs in the market, adapt itself well and look into its niche market and growth. It values its networkings with government agencies, companies  and prospective clients,and is capable of marshalling a dynamic and supportive legal team or resources if the need arises.
Being a sole proprietorship firm, it is built to be flexible  to change and adapt  itself to changes in  market demands.It seeks to be competitive in terms of providing reliable and quality services  to clients while at the same time open to continuous improvements in its overall aspects  of operation for growth in business.
 In providing services, our approach is focus oriented, personalised, and attentive to specific legal needs. 
The vision of the firm is to be a unique, viable legal firm that is connected to people and business  though  small, yet versatile and indispensable in the legal landscape .
The mission statement is to be a leading solo legal firm in a niche market, responsive, resilient and practical to evolving clients’ legal needs and solutions . Building a legal legacy by passion, the right attitude and work ethics  become our  motivation and  engine of growth to the future.